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Seth Copas - UK

"Tony's perseverance in getting me through the CP course was truly heroic along with being kind and good fun. He will find that inner pilot you knew you had but couldn't quite reach. "

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The path to flying unsupervised is straightforward but can be frustrating as with most forms of adventure sports and particular aviation they are weather dependent.  Nevertheless if you are committed and are prepared to make the effort you will be rewarded with the opportunity to take to the skies and see the country from a whole new perspective.  You will be the envy of your friends and family when you describe your experiences and show your selection of photos. 


The BHPA is a very structured methodology and each student will progress at a pace that suits them.  As you progress through the elements of the syllabus your progress will be recorded in your personal task book, (STR) Student Training Record. This is very important as it allows you and your instructor keep track of your progress.  View the BHPA  EP & CP syllabuses Here


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